Toulouse INP: 3AI Aniti project partner
The February 21, 2019

Aniti, an Interdisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence project, was filed by the University of Toulouse.
This project brings together more than 200 researchers from 33 research laboratories and some 30 companies with the support of local and regional authorities, in collaboration with the socio-economic and associative fabric.
By relying on the strengths that Toulouse can bring Aniti will:
- Promote research in terms of synergies as well as the development and transfer of technologies
- Study and experiment hybrid AI
- Respond to all societal challenges by identifying six priority fields of application (autonomy, human / machine collaboration, predictive maintenance in transport, preventive medicine and health, smart agriculture and predictive systems in environment and climate)
- Encourage citizens to participate in scientific and technical culture events (debates, conferences, films, ...)
- Meet the challenge of skills development, both for industry and research, the ambition being to double the number of AI-trained students by 2023
- Transforming scientific results and research collaborations into sources of economic growth
- Build a more reliable artificial intelligence, meeting the challenges of tomorro
To learn more:
3IA - Institut interdisciplinaire d'Intelligence artificielle
3IA - Intelligence artificielle Toulouse préseltionnée pour son projet d'institut interdisciplinaire