MIT European Career fair 2021
The February 25, 2021

Each year, the MIT ECF is one of the major university meetings in Boston. Toulouse INP will be among the participants.
Between 1000 and 2000 students and young professionals from US East Coast universities (including Boston University, Tufts, MIT and Harvard) attend this fair to seek employment opportunities, internships, and more.
Several objectives:
- Recruiting young talents for France
- Contributing to the visibility of France
- Opportunity for French universities to forge links and strengthen partnerships with US East Coast universities.
- Given the present context and the mobility difficulties, MIT ECF 2021 will take place online this year on Thursday, February 25th.
- Scheduled times are 8 AM and / 2 PM (France) to 2 PM and / 8 PM (France) due to the time difference between the countries.
- The MIT organizers will use a Brazen digital platform which allows the various participants to create their own virtual booth, to personalize their content and to exchange with candidates by message or video.
Click here to access the MIT ECF website.