Everyday life

Average annual expenditure

Attractive Toulouse as a less expensive city than Paris. 

  • Housing for a student: between 250 and 600 €
  • Public transportation (Bus, Metro, Tram): 15,30€/month
  • Bike hire subscription: 20€/year
  • Food: approx. 200€/month
  • University restaurant (Resto U): full meal 3,25€

Health Services

Social security

Foreign students : your French health insurance

In France, the social security covers the medical expenses for every one. As foreign students, you can be covered by this health insurance without any charge.

In order to be covered by the French health insurance you will need to :

  • sign up on the dedicated website : https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr 
  • upload the required supporting documents (for example your bank identification details, IBAN to be refunded).

                              (Only available in French)


It is important to notify your health insurance company of any changes and keep all your personal information updated (address, RIB, dedicated doctor) to benefit from all the services available to you.


Student Health Insurance Mutuals

Register for Social Security

As soon as you register at one of the INP Toulouse establishments, you must sign up for the student social security and choose a student mutual insurance company, unless you are exempt for special reasons.


Good to know : the student mutual is free for students


On the campus 

Get some help

The mission of the Interuniversity Service of Preventive Medicine and Prevention of Health (SIMPPS) is to advise students on health care and implementing preventive healthcare actions. 
The social employee can help you regardless of the nature of your difficulties: social, family-related, psychological, administrative, financial, etc.


Many solutions are possible to access each one of Toulouse INP schools. 
Cities of Toulouse and Tarbes offer a number of possibilities to travel.

Good to know



Tisséo, the central Toulouse public transport network, proposes the pastel card. A discount rate is offered for public transport (bus, metro, tram), as well as the city bicycle network - Vélô Toulouse, for those who are under 26 years old.


Various Toulouse Occitanie Crous catering structures are proposed to students from traditional dishes (first course + main course + dessert) to fast-food (sandwiches, paninis, etc.). In addition, student offices can propose alternative food services.


IZLY, the Crous payment system

Easier, safer and faster, Izly allows students and university staff to pay for their on -campus purchases electronically, particularly their meals at the Crous catering points.

Thanks to Izly you can pay with your smartphone or your student card at all Crous catering points.

Opening a bank account

Having a local bank account is very useful during your student life in France. You'll need it for paying your electricity and internet bills, your rent, and in many other everyday life situations. Watch this video to learn more!


Childcare facilities and schools

From birth to 3 years old

In Toulouse, childcare facilities for children from birth to 3 years is offered by various establishments which propose care services on a regular basis (nursery schools, multi reception) or occasional services (stop-nursery) in order to answer as well as possible the needs of the families. To find out more about access and reception procedures, you can consult the dedicated page on the Toulouse website.



To know everything about:

  • Schools
  • The recreation centres associated with the schools
  • School calendars
  • School catering
  • Colleges and high schools

Please visit the dedicated page on the Toulouse website

Education in Toulouse

Will your children enter the public school system in Toulouse? Learn here about the childcare facilities and supervision after school, set up by the City of Toulouse in addition to information regarding the canteen and the unique inscription record “dossier unique interactif”.
Please visit the dedicated page on the Toulouse website


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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  • Logo INP