International support

Visiting Professors

Each year, Toulouse INP hosts around 30 visiting Associate Professors and Professors who are involved in teaching in the form of seminars.

The contribution of these international experts introduces students to comparative approaches in order to broaden their perspectives, to strengthen and develop new international research cooperation.

To find out how to apply, please contact: direction.recherche @

Practical information

The Ministry of Higher Education and Research provides a large range of practical information on the international mobility of researchers and professors.


International mobility

Toulouse INP's support for international mobility is intended to consolidate proven international cooperation, the international strengthening of research teams and the emergence of new collaborations of strategic scientific interest. The objective is to encourage the outgoing mobility of INP laboratories' scientific staff (researchers, PhD students, technical staff) and the incoming mobility of foreign university staff.


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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