Innovation & Transfer

The engineering schools of Toulouse INP have a strong research activity focusing on issues with high societal and economic impact concerning various fields.

Thanks to a proactive policy, the research activity is also important for companies, as demonstrated by the national ranking in terms of research partnerships between companies and engineering schools: Toulouse INP is ranked in the top 5 in France ("Industries" ranking and Technologies- 2016 ").

Given the high quality upstream research and sensitisation of teacher-researchers, the success of research partnerships also rely on internal resources (legal, intellectual property, management, project setup, etc.) through the development of dedicated tools, like the SAIC Toulouse INP: INPACT®.

Expertise and knowledge


Fully dedicated to its mission of transferring and enhancing research results, Toulouse INP conducts its own research, as well as research in collaboration with industry. This research combines scientific quality and innovation for the benefit of society and the world of business.

The framework of these collaborations is set in a professional manner by the researchers, for the scientific aspects, and by a dedicated service, Inpact®, for the financial, legal and industrial property dimensions. The continual need for fast and fair negotiations is met, thanks to a competent and responsive team.


  • Experience with more than 4,000 research contracts in over 25 years
  • More than 500 client companies and partners
  • More than 150 generated patents (1st applicant among the universities of Toulouse)
  • A yearly budget of 15 and 20 million euros of research collaboration projects
  • Projects with competitive clusters, Europe, the ANR
  • The creation of start-ups stemming from research results



These actions can benefit from various substantial public funding.

Research for Industry


The contractual framework used includes research collaboration contracts, service contracts (short-term, with commitment of results), doctoral theses on an industrial theme, consulting and expertise, etc.

A Service Contract to:

  • Have a laboratory perform tests or analyses for my company
  • Have a laboratory prepare products for my company on demand


  • No research activity required
  • Results requirement
  • Ownership of results lies with the company
  • Full costs covered by the company


The collaboration contract
To perform basic or final research with a laboratory or team.


  • Research activity
  • Shared costs
  • Obligation of means
  • Co-ownership of the results


The industrial convention of training by research - CIFRE
Opportunity to benefit from research by a PhD student over three years.

  • Work of the PhD student conducted in the laboratory and in the company
  • Salary of doctoral student partially supported by the company which is subsidised by the State (ANRT)
  • Shared extra costs 


The agreement of secrecy and confidentiality
Opportunity to benefit from possible collaboration with researchers.

  • Commitment of Toulouse INP and therefore of all the researchers brought to work on the subject of the agreement to respect confidentiality of work
  • The agreement must speak only of confidentiality: any other topic (property of the results, exploitation, etc.) must be the subject of another contract


Opportunity to benefit from the expertise and advice of a researcher.

  • A purely intellectual and scientific personal service that must not involve the laboratory's resources
  • The consultant does not provide deliverables such as prototypes, software or products


Transfer – technological solutions


To increase the socio-economic impact of the research carried out in its laboratories, Toulouse INP is a shareholder, via the University of Toulouse, of the SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer. Created in 2012, the SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer invests in mature projects to accelerate the transfer of public research results to companies.
The role of this company is to invest in industrial protection and the development of research results to accelerate transfers to existing companies or new start-ups through licensing agreements.



Many innovative technologies emanate regularly from Toulouse INP research laboratories. They are summarised and searchable as technological offers, which summarise their advantages, fields of application or stage of progress. The aim is to promote the valorisation of Toulouse INP research results in the context of technological partnerships.


Discover the offer on the SATT Toulouse Tech Transfer website


Entrepreneurship – success stories


With more than 20 years of success, the start-up dedicated to process simulation was initially created from the research of Toulouse INP (Toulouse INP-ENSIACET - LGC).



A promising start-up on laser anemometry, hosted in Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT and collaborating with LAAS-OSE.



A start-up created to customise websites, led by a teacher-researcher from Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT (Irit) and hosted in the school.



A company developing a patented technology (hydrogen production) of Toulouse INP-ENSIACET (LGC).



A regional rapidly expanding start-up dedicated to image analysis, created by a young graduate of Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT.


Power Design Technologies

Power Design Technologies is a Toulouse start-up created by staff of the LAPLACE laboratory (UMR CNRS-Toulouse INP-UPS) following work carried out in Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT.
Their PowerForge platform is the first generation power converter design platform.



6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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  • Logo INP