Master degrees

Give your career a French engineering touch!


Toulouse INP is accredited to deliver, alone or in co-accreditation with other higher education institutions, 20 national masters degrees divided into 20 mentions and 36 standard courses. Most of them are provided in French.
Some of them are masters of science taught in English.


↓Let's have a look at Toulouse INP Masters of Science↓


Masters of Science are national degrees accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education. Our Masters of Science taught in English are 2-year full time programs usually aimed at undergraduate students who already have a Bachelor degree. Focused on specific scientific and technical fields, they rely on the skills and know-how of teacher-researchers in our high-tech engineering schools.


Masters of Science taught in English

Masters of Science are national degrees accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education. Our Masters of Science taught in English is a 2-year full time programme usually aimed at undergraduate students who already have a Bachelor degree. Focused on specific scientific and technical fields, they rely on the skills and know-how of teacher-researchers in our engineering schools.


Aeronautics and space mention



  • Typical career : Space Communication Systems (SATCOM)
    Contact : master_satcom @

Energy mention

  • Typical career: Electrical energy systems (EES)
    Contact : master_ees[@] (master_ees @

Industrial engineering mention

  • Typical career: Industrial & safety engineering (ISE)
    Contact : master_ise[@] (master_ise @ 

Complex systems engineering mention

  • Typical career: Fluids engineering for industrial processes (FEIP)
    Contact : master_fluids[@] (master_fluids @
  • Typical career: Water engineering and water management (WEWM)
    Contact : master_water[@] (master_water @
  • Typical career: Green chemistry and processes for renewable feedstocks (Green Cap)
    Contact : master_greencap[@] (master_greencap @
  • Typical career : Industrial Biotechnology for biobasedeconomy(BioTechEco)
    Contacts : biotecheco-contact @ 


Mastères spécialisés ®

For students, professionals, researchers holding at least a 5-year diploma (engineering degree, master degree) or a 4 years degree with at least 3 years of professional experience wishing to acquire a specialisation or a dual competence.

More advantages

  •  Toul’Box pack (included for free for the Master of Science students of Toulouse INP, INSA Toulouse or ENFESA) will take care of you from A to Z.
  • Each student will be given a buddy enrolled in the same curriculum.
  • A welcome team composed of French students from the same school will advise you.


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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