PhD Degrees


Interested in pursuing research?

Doctoral studies are an opportunity to gain professional experience and delve into a research question. At Toulouse INP, doctoral programmes are offered by 10 doctoral schools.
During three years, the doctoral student is supervised by a thesis director, attached to a doctoral school and works on an original subject with one of the Toulouse INP research laboratories.  He must write and defend a thesis in front of a jury to obtain the doctor's degree (PhD). This is the highest diploma issued by the institution.

To obtain a PhD, you must hold a national Master's diploma or another diploma equivalent to the master degree. However, admission is subject to the results obtained, funding and supervision possibilities. 


The doctoral schools are accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation under the four-year doctoral contract.
In addition to high-level scientific training, the programmes offer complementary training to prepare students for a job opening in a company or in general for the competitive world economy, as the main objective is to help the future doctor prepare his/her professional future.


10 doctoral schools

“Mécanique énergétique génie civil procédés” - Megep

  • Fluids dynamics
  • Energetics and transfers
  • Process and environmental engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical engineering and materials

“Mathématiques, informatique, télécommunications de Toulouse” - MITT

  • Artificial intelligence 
  • Image, information and hypermedia 
  • Software security and high performance computing 
  • Signal, image, acoustics et optimisation
  • Network, telecommunications, system et architecture

Systems - Edsys

  • Automatic systems
  • Industrial systems 
  • Computer systems
  • Embedded systems

“Génie électrique - électronique et télécommunications” - GEET

  • Design of microelectronic circuits and microsystems
  • Microwaves, electromagnetism and optoelectronics
  • Electrical engineering 

“Sciences de la matière” - SDM

  • Organometallic and chemistry coordination 
  • Agri-resources sciences
  • Materials sciences and engineering

“Sciences de l'univers de l'environnement et de l'espace” - SDU2E

  • Earth and solid planets sciences
  • Hydrology, hydrochemistry, soils and environment 
  • Ecology

“Temps, espaces, sociétés et culture” - Tesc

  • Spaces, rural societies and economic outlooks (Essor)


"Sciences écologiques, vétérinaires, agronomiques et bioingénieries" - Sevab

  • Ecology, biodiversity and evolution 
  • Plant breeding
  • Agrosystems, ecosystems and environment
  • Microbial and enzyme engineering
  • Plant microorganism interactions 
  • Pathology, toxicology, genetics & nutrition

Aeronautics – astronautics - AA

“Biologie santé biotechnologies” - BSB



The European doctoral is in fact a "classical" thesis with also a "European label". It concerns students from European Union member states, extended to other free trade countries (Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Liechtenstein). In addition to the doctorate, the label is awarded when the following three (non-qualitative) conditions are met:


  • The composition of the jury will be defined by the texts with at least one member of the jury belonging to a higher education institution of a European state other than the one in which the doctorate is supported
  • Part of the defence must be, at least, in a European language other than the national language in which the doctorate is awarded
  • The doctorate student must have resided for a minimum of 3-months in a European Union country member



What is the joint international supervision of doctoral theses ?

Joint supervision (or cotutelle) is a mechanism that facilitates doctoral students mobility. It permits to develop the scientific cooperation between foreign and French research teams:

  • Cotutelle students work under the direction of a thesis supervisor in both countries concerned. The two thesis supervisors engage themselves to fully exercice the function of tutor with the doctoral student. Their skills are used jointly 
  • The Master 2 level or equivalent title is required to perform a co-supervision thesis
  • The doctoral student must carry out his research in the two joint countries in agreement with a specific convention
  • A joint convention is signed between the student and the two concerned universities during the first administrative registration
  • A double registration at Toulouse INP and home university is compulsory during the whole time of the thesis

The joint convention must be signed in both establishments by:

  • The thesis supervisor
  • The research unit supervisor 
  • The doctoral school supervisor 
  • The head teacher




To subscribe in Doctorate at Toulouse INP

Before applying you must have:

  • A thesis supervisor in one of our labs
  • A precise subject
  • A financing solution



You look for a subject, a thesis supervisor, send a motivation letter and a curriculum to the director of the lab or to the director of one of our 10 doctoral schools.



6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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