
Agroécologie, Innovations TeRritoires
Centre de Recherche et d'Ingénierie des Matériaux
Dynamique et écologie des paysages agriforestiers
Genomics & Biotechnology of the Fruits
Génétique Physiologie et Systèmes d'Elevage
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture de Systèmes
Laplace Laboratoire Plasma et conversion d’énergie
Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-industrielle
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique
Laboratoire de Génie de Production
Research Center in Food Toxicology


CNRM - National Centre for Meteorological Research

IHAP – Interactions Hôtes – Agents Pathogènes

Support Platforms (UMS, CRITT)

The Raimond Castaing Micro-characterisation Centre 

The Raimond Castaing micro-characterization centre brings together and optimises technical and scientific expertise in the field of multi-scale characterisation of solid materials, to meet the needs of and strengthen the potential of laboratories and socio-economic actors in the Occitanie region.


Mesocenter Calmip

Created in 1994 as a scientific group of 17 public research laboratories, the Calmip Mesocenter (Calculation in Midi-Pyrenees) became a mixed service unit of the CNRS (UMS CNRS 3667) in 2014. Calmip aims to encourage the development and use of new high-performance computing techniques within the scientific community.
In 2016, Calmip hosted more than 200 research projects involving 500 researchers from 30 laboratories in Occitanie, requiring more than 90 million hours of calculation.



Toulouse INP hosts or manages several regional centres for innovation and technology transfer (Critt) backed by its research laboratories to provide advice or services for companies in order to facilitate the dissemination of new technologies:

  • Critt Process Engineering / Environmental Technologies, backed by LGC and LISBP laboratories
  • Critt Application and Treatment Centre for Agro-resources - Catar, backed by the LCA laboratory


International Labs (LIA/LEA/GDRI)

  • LIA O-LiFE (Observatoire Libano-Français de l'Environnement):  Observatory of the Environment (Lebanon)
  • LIA STEP (Science et TEchnologie des Plasmas):

    Science and Technology of Plasmas (Canada)

  • LIA KaPPA: Kinetics and Physics of pulsed Plasmas and their Afterglow
  • LIA FOCOMAT: Functional Composite Material (Vietnam)
  • LIA Food, Cultures & Health (Malaysia)
  • GDRI NMC (Nanomatériaux Multifonctionnels Contrôlés): 

    Controlled Multifunctional Nanomaterial

  • GDRI EFF: Environmental Forcing on Freshwater Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functionning (Canada - United States)
  • GDRI IPB: Integrative Plant Biology: From genes to biological systems in response to environment (Japan)
  • GDRI Car Wet SIB I (Cycle de l'eau, du carbone et des métaux dans les zones humides de l'Ouest de la Sibérie): Cycle of water, carbon and metals in the wetlands of western Siberia (Russia)
  • UMI IPAL: Image & Pervasive Access Lab (Singapour)

National French Institutes

  • The CNRS, co-supervision of 8 laboratories associated with Toulouse INP
  • The INRA, partner of 8 laboratories associated with Toulouse INP 
  • The AFB (French Agency of Biodiversity)


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


  • Logo UTFTMP
  • Logo INP