Toulouse INP – ERASMUS charter + 2021

Toulouse INP has always considered Erasmus + as a fundamental element of its internationalisation policy. Active member of the program since its launch in 1987, Toulouse INP has been renewed by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027.


Within the Erasmus + program, Toulouse INP is engaged in several activities:

  • Incoming and outgoing student mobility;
  • Teacher and staff mobility;
  • Digital Mobility;
  • Innovative cooperation projects;
  • Exchange of good practices;
  • Projects supporting the modernisation of higher education systems in partner countries outside Europe.


Check the Erasmus + charter 2021-2027

Check the Erasmus + strategy 2014-2020 (available only in french)


Intra-European Mobilities [KA103]

The Key Action 103 constitutes the main Erasmus+ activity of Toulouse INP. It allows students, teachers and staff members of the establishment to carry out mobility with one of our European partners Erasmus+.


Thus, each year:

  • more than 175 students go on a study mobility within an university or go on an internship mobility in a laboratory or in a company.
  • an average of ten teachers and ten staff members will teach or train with one of our partners.


These mobilities are carried out under attractive financial conditions, thanks to the payment of monthly Erasmus grants and subsistence allowances. The destinations reflect the great geographic diversity of our cooperation: Spain, Italy, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Portugal, Greece, Hungary ...


In addition, the participation of our establishment in the 103 key action allows it to welcome each year about fifty foreign students who come to spend a semester or a year in our schools. This key action is therefore central to our compulsory mobility strategy and fully contributes to the internationalisation of our students, our teams and our establishment while contributing to its influence.


Our institution is part of the UNIVERSEH European university, which will train students for the careers of the future in the space sector.


The UNIVERSEH project aims to build a thematic European university devoted to space in all its dimensions (science, engineering, economics, social sciences and humanities, patents and innovation, entrepreneurship, science & medicine, art & culture, etc.).
The aim is to develop a new collaborative approach in higher education for the space sector, creating new interactive experiences in higher education for the university community, teachers and students, and for the benefit of society as a whole.
From 2021 to 2027, the project aims to develop a competitive, high-quality education offering through new, innovative teaching approaches.


On the agenda: new joint and flexible curricula, mobility of students and teaching staff, strong involvement of the space industry with preparation for entrepreneurship, innovative teaching practices based on the use of digital technologies.


The European project UNIVERSEH "European Space University for Earth and Humanity" led by the Université of Toulouse is funded by the Erasmus + programme as part of the "European Universities" initiative. This initiative aims to support the establishment of transnational alliances between European higher education institutions, for the benefit of students, teachers, researchers and society as a whole.


Partners involved :


Project leader: Pascal MAUSSION (pascal.maussion @

Project operational coordinator: Maxime DUTIN (maxime.dutin @ (maxime.dutin @


Funding programmes :

   ANR (Agreement number: ANR-23-GURE-001)

   Erasmus+ (Project number: 101124303 - UNIVERSEH 2.0 - ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV)


International Credit Mobilities (ICM) [KA1]

International Credit Mobilities (ICM) are international projects under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ program. These projects enable the organization of mobilities between countries participating in the Erasmus+ program and between partner countries of the Erasmus+ program, mainly countries outside of the European Union.


Each year, this scheme is the subject of a call for applications to finance projects of a duration of 2-3 years.  Although mainly oriented towards hosting international students and teachers, this funding also allows our teachers and students to carry out stays abroad.


In this way, ICMs contribute fully to the achievement of the institution's international policy:

  • they promote the internationalization of our students, our teams and our institution
  • they are a vector of development aid for partner countries particularly through the transmission of our pedagogical know-how




This project strives to strengthen inter-university relations and cooperations between the University of Douala, the University of Yaoundé I  et Toulouse INP especially in the field of Big Data, in particular in cloud computing. The project has started in summer 2024 and will be completed in July 2027.


Contact: alexandra.kunstler @ (alexandra.kunstler @



This project seeks to consolidate the collaboration between the Georgian Technical University and Toulouse INP. The project has started in summer 2024 and will be completed in July 2027.


Incoming mobility:

  • 9 students – 6 months
  • 4 staff – 7 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 6 students – 3 months
  • 5 staff – 7 days


Contact: alexandra.kunstler @ (alexandra.kunstler @


Ukraine and Kosovo

The aim of this projet is to develop Toulouse INP's relations with the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBIP) in Kiev, the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (ZTU) in Ukraine and the University of Prishtina in Kosovo. The project has started in 2022 and comes to and end in July 2025.


Incoming mobility:

  • 24 students – 6 months
  • 11 staff – 7 days
  • 5 teaching staff – 14 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 4 teaching staff – 14 days
  • 4 staff – 7 days


Contact : alexandra.kunstler @ (alexandra.kunstler @



This project aims to develop Toulouse INP's relations with Bosnia-Herzegovina by building on its collaboration with the University of Sarajevo (UNSA). In particular, the objective is to bring, thanks to the know-how of Toulouse INP-ENSAT, an expertise to Bosnia-Herzegovina in sustainable agriculture and pollution management.


Incoming mobility:

  • 4 student mobility for studies – 3 months
  • 20 staff mobility for training – 7 days
  • 4 staff mobility for teaching – 14 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 2 staff mobility for teaching – 14 days
  • 2 staff mobility for training – 7 days


Contact: Bertrand.pourrut @ (Bertrand.pourrut @



This mobility project aims to consolidate cooperation with the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and the University of Battambang on issues of agronomy, responsible agriculture and sustainable development. It also aims to broaden perspectives by placing Toulouse INP-ENSAT's expertise in environmental protection, waste management and pollution treatment, - all challenges that Cambodia must meet - at the service of Cambodian students and lecturer-researchers.


Incoming mobility:

  • 2 student mobility for traineeships– 4 months
  • 8 student mobility for studies – 5 months
  • 6 staff mobility for teaching – 36 days


Contact: Bertrand.pourrut @ (Bertrand.pourrut @


Russian Federation

This project aims to deepen the partnership, initiated around joint research work, between Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT and the Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), located in Kaliningrad. The field of application is the use of plasma technologies for biomedical applications. The study of methods for the production of non-thermal plasma jets will allow the development of new medical equipment and thus provide access to new, inexpensive and safe methods for the treatment of diseases.


Incoming mobility:

  • 6 student mobility for traineeships (master's and PhD students) – 3 and 6 months
  • 2 staff mobility for teaching – 28 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 2 staff mobility for teaching – 14 days
  • 4 student mobility for traineeships – 3 months


Contact: Hubert.piquet @ (Hubert.piquet @



This project aims to strengthen the collaboration between Toulouse INP and the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), a collaboration that it has maintained, through Toulouse INP-ENSAT, for more than fifteen years in the field of environment and water management. Indeed, Pakistan urgently needs expert engineers in the fields of environment and water and waste management.


Incoming mobility:

  • 2 student mobility for traineeships – 3 months
  • 4 staff mobility for teaching – 14 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 4 staff mobility for teaching – 14 days


Contact: Jean.kallerhoff @ (Jean.kallerhoff @



This project aims to consolidate the inter-university relations that Toulouse INP, through its Toulouse INP-ENSEEIHT school, has with the National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT) and with Sup'Com. It aims to develop new training courses and student mobility by offering semesters of study with the possibility of short internships for students. On the teacher's side, while continuing to develop research relations, mobility will allow the development of new courses with the support of innovative teaching methods in the fields of electrical, hydraulic and digital engineering.


Incoming mobility:

  • 2 student mobility for traineeships – 3 months
  • 10 student mobility for traineeships – 9 months
  • 6 staff mobility for teaching– 7 days


Outgoing mobility:

  • 6 staff mobility for teaching – 7 days
  • 2 student mobility for traineeships – 3 months


Contact: Danielle.andreu @ (Danielle.andreu @

Strategic Partnerships [KA2]


Every year about 300.000 students, staff members and other beneficiaries participate to Erasmus mobility programs and have the
opportunity to live a life changing experience. Erasmus is one of the most successful European funded programs as per the impact
on higher education integration across Europe, language skills development, and the spirit of a common European citizenship
among young people. Recent researches have shown how the Erasmus program enhances the personal growth of participants by
fostering a range of soft skills such as openness to diversity, tolerance, resilience, teamwork, empathy and more.
Despite the high level of integration among the universities on formal mutual recognition of exams and studies abroad, after more
then 35 years of the Erasmus program any official recognition yet is released to students or staff members after an Erasmus
experience. On the other hand, recruiters and organizations are more likely to hire people with study mobility and Erasmus
experience in their resumés.
This project aims to clarify a common framework of soft skills acquired during an Erasmus experience and define a possible and
viable process for all universities and organizations, part of the Erasmus+ program, to release one or several kind of digital
microcredentials related to these skills. The project will pilot the new credentialing system within the partnering universities and will
evaluate the outcomes for a possible scalability in the whole system.


Key words: micro-credentials; Erasmusness; Erasmus recognition; competence framework; Credentialing Platform


Project duration: summer 2024 - summer 2026


ToxLearn4EU is an ambitious educational project designed to transform the landscape of Toxicology and Environmental Toxicology education through cutting-edge online approaches. Recognizing the critical importance of these disciplines in understanding and mitigating the impact of chemicals on human health and the environment, our project aims to make learning engaging, accessible, and impactful.


Topics: Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses; environment and climate change; digital content, technologies and practices


Project duration: 01/2022 - 01/2025


More information:

Completed projects [KA2]


(Re-thinking active learning for distance education) is a European Erasmus + Digital Education and Creativity program with a funding of € 299,065. This project aims to prepare digital education at the academic level. Following the COVID-19 health crisis, higher education institutions in Europe have had to face several challenges, including the sudden transition to online and distance learning. This partnership aims to help teachers develop new digital skills, while valuing the inclusive nature of teaching.


  • The main objective of the RALDE project is to develop and use innovative and free educational resources, to develop an inclusive high quality digital education focused on the implementation of hybrid and online tools. This project aims to respond to the problems encountered by academic institutions during the epidemic crisis.
  • The second objective of the consortium is to develop the digital skills of teachers and educators: to identify the different approaches implemented between March 2020 and today, and to determine their effectiveness through surveys. The sudden transition from face-to-face to digital is forcing teachers to review their student assessment system and the quality of their own teaching. Thus, the project also aims to promote the implementation of strategies allowing development of a degree of excellence in their teaching. 


Duration : 2 years


Food Stem

This Erasmus + Capacity building project aims to train a new generation of Cambodian entrepreneurs specialising in the agri-food chain with an emphasis on quality, safety and sustainability. The objective is to increase the number of Cambodian SMEs in the food sector capable of producing goods for the local, national or even international market by emphasising the quality and sustainability of agricultural practices in the process of agri-food transformation.

  • Development of online courses dedicated to the agrifood chain in partnership with Cambodian universities and in particular a specialisation in the food industry in entrepreneurship and project management at master's level.
  • Organising challenges in partnership with the private sector, Agri-food labs. The selected teams will receive technical support and entrepreneurship training.
  • Deployment of a program to strengthen the management capacities of analytical laboratories for the control of food security.


Food-STEM is a 3-year program that will run from December 2019 to October 2022 developed by 3 European universities: Toulouse INP, Supagro Montpellier, University of Liège. And four Cambodian partner universities:


The Partners :

  • Adict (France)
  • Universitet Maastricht (Netherlands)
  • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain)
  • Universidad de Navarra (Spain)
  • Tom's Content Shop (Belgium)
  • Toulouse INP (France) - Coordinator



 ETV4INNOVATION is a strategic partnership project for professional training funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + program, with duration of 28 months.


It was designed to support the development and implementation of an innovative practice and a new training path in the field of environmental technology verification (ETV). It will develop an online course on open access ETV which will become a resource for environmental technology developers, in order to facilitate their access to the ETV verification process.



This program allowed the creation of the very first professional Master in sustainable territorial development in rural areas in Tunisia with face-to-face and / or distance courses. It offers quality professional training for the benefit of students and professionals from various disciplines - agronomy, geography, economics, sociology, political science - towards different professions of territorial development, which they can exercise in structures and organisations, design offices, NGOs and various companies. Toulouse INP, project coordinator, ensured the optimisation of experience transfers between the different partners and overall coherence in carrying out the project.


European partners, including Toulouse INP, have provided:

  • skills in pedagogy and training design in territorial development
  • skills in the design of online teaching and the training of teachers and technicians (University of Liège)
  • the quality assurance process for the diploma and for the project approach (University of Alicante).


DEMETER is a Tempus program lasting 3 and a half years (from November 2012 to February 2016) between 3 European partner universities:


4 Tunisian higher education establishments:


and 3 public or private Tunisian professional organizations:

  • ODESYPANO, North-West Development Sylvo-Pastoral Office, Tunisia
  • AFEFJRK, Education Association, support women and youth employment in Kef
  • IRESA, Institution de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur Agricoles 



MaBioVa is a European Erasmus + Capacity Building program, funded up to 678,000€. Its main objective is to support certain higher education establishments in Morocco to use modern educational tools based on ICT through the creation of a master's degree in plant biotechnology for the improvement of plants. A set of 18 training modules was made available to learners on a dedicated educational platform.


Thanks to the financial support, it was possible to set three teaching rooms equipped with computer and audiovisual equipment adapted to e-Learning for approximately 180,000€. Toulouse INP, program coordinator with the University of Mohammed V in Rabat, brings its expertise and experience in education and international relations.


Mabiova started in October 2015 and ended in October 2019 and enabled the training of around sixty teacher-researchers. In September 2018, a first class of 20 students started this master in Rabat, then 3 classes in Rabat, Marrakech and Tangier started this master in September 2019.



Universities that have joined the current project: Mohammed Premier University (Oujda, Morocco), Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Ben Gurir, Morocco), Sultan Moulay Slimane University (Béni Mellal, Morocco), IBN Zohr University (Agadir, Morocco).


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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