Prepare your arrival

If you need help with the administrative formalities to prepare for your arrival, Toul'box is there for you! 

The Toul'Box offers a range of packs with different budgets to help you with all the administrative formalities (visa, accommodation, transport card, airport reception...).

For more information on the packs available, visit:

Label Bienvenue

Toulouse INP has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" label with 2 stars. This label rewards the quality in welcoming international students.


Obtaining this label is recognition for Toulouse INP which has been committed for years to offer a qualitative greeting to its international students. A label which confirms the policy implemented to guarantee this quality of reception at the best level.


"Bienvenue en France" Label

Its goal is to make France more attractive to international students and to increase the visibility of French higher education system abroad. The "Bienvenue en France" label is issued by Campus France to higher education establishments wishing to make visible the efforts made to improve the reception of international students. The "Bienvenue en France" label is part of an overall quality approach for establishments, within which it finds its place as a tool for measuring, describing and promoting their systems and their actions dedicated to international students.


Issued for a period of 4 years, this label gives to the establishment better visibility internationally. The label meets requirements standards established by the Ministry and defined by the following criteria:

  • The information’s quality and accessibility
  • Welcoming facilities
  • Training offer
  • Accommodation
  • Campus life
  • Post-graduate follow-up


Welcoming foreign students, an important issue at Toulouse INP

The establishment is strongly involved in welcoming and supporting foreign students and offers various concrete actions such as:

  • Welcome days: festive events where students from our schools and the President of Toulouse INP welcome new students.
  • Welcome Desk: a multiservice desk set up by the University of Toulouse, it helps students to finalise administrative formalities.
  • Websites in English: Toulouse INP and its schools ENSAT, ENSIACET and ENSEEIHT have websites in English dedicated to an international audience, students, teachers and researchers. These sites are composed to meet the specific needs of this audience.
  • The Etudes en France platform is completely dematerialised and manages all of the enrolment procedures for an institute of higher educationup until the visa request.
  • Student Guide: available for international students, with the presentation of the territory, the study environment, cultural and sports offers, a calendar of campus life and a detail of current services.


And many other tools and actions that international students will discover throughout their journey and in particular access, like all students, to the "Planete" work environment. 

Do you need a visa ?


The image shows the table for the visa application process taken from the pdf document prepare your arrival. For more information, click on the following link


For applications, renewals and changes of status of your visa, visit : 


*For the Long-stay visa "talent passport" the Hosting agreements ( "cerfa") that you need for your visa is generate by the international relations office. The procedure for obtaining an agreement signed by the President is the following: Documents to be provided at least 2-3 months before the appointment to the consulate or prefecture at SRI @ and alexandra.lalibertedegagne @ :

  • Letter from laboratory specifying exact dates of stay and monthly salary (if applicable)
  • Copy of identity document (passport)
  • Copy of most recent diploma


*For doctoral students, you can choose between a "talent passport" or a visa valid as a "residence permit for students". If you choose a talent passport, then you must have a work contract at your home or host institution, or  otherwise  you must be a scholarship holder and have monthly funding (scholarship + any supplement from the host institution) higher than the minimum amount for a public law doctoral contract.

If you do not have an employment contract or if your monthly funding (grant + any supplement from the host institution) is less than the minimum amount for a public-law doctoral contract, you must apply for a student visa.

Remember to start the visa process as soon as your nomination has been validated, to avoid any problems on departure. 

For information on documents to be provided and online procedures, visit :  

Do you have an insurance ?

For international students wishing to pursue higher education in France, health cover is compulsory. If you are a foreign student, in the vast majority of cases you can benefit from French Social Security. French Social Security only partially covers your health expenses, at around 70%.

To register : https://etudiant-etrang /

You've thought about your accommodation ?

Several options are available, each with a limited number of rooms reserved for exchange students.

Housing assistance CAF

If you're a foreign student in France with a valid residence permit, you can get housing assistance from the CAF. This assistance is known as the APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement). Generally ranging from €100 to €200, it helps reduce the cost of housing in France. To obtain it, you need to meet certain criteria and apply online, via the CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales) website

If your're a UE or EE member, the conditions are : 
  • To be enrolled in an establishment operating in accordance with the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, in order to follow studies or vocational training on a principal basis,
  • Have health insurance for themselves and their family members,
  • Have financial resources (whatever the amount)


If you're not a UE or EE member :
  • You must have a valid residence permit.

Find all the information you need to create your account at :

Have you thought of everything ?

To prepare for your arrival and make sure you haven't forgotten anything, we've put together a checklist that you can download below !

 «What to prepare before your arrival.pdf»


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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