Studying sciences in France


Toulouse INP participates in Campus France forums in several countries, such as Nigeria, Indonesia, and in Pakistan. 


These meetings organized by Campus France are an opportunity to make French university institutions known in the international scale by offering information on the choice of diplomas, courses taught in English and scholarship possibilities.


It is also a chance to :

  • Connect French higher institutions with those of other countries in order to establish bilateral exchanges and institutionalize partnerships
  • Establish contact with the youth of other countries
  • Provide information on the higher education programs

Follow the Talk Show hosted by Indonesia in which Toulouse INP participated.

Toulouse INP will participate in the Franco-Pakistani Institutional Days online meetings on March 8-11 oganized by Cooperation and Cultural Department (SCAC) of the Embassy of France in Pakistan, the Espace Campus France Pakistan and Campus France Paris.


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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  • Logo INP