The University of Toulouse gets 2 EUR
The September 18, 2019

The national operator of the Investment for the Future programmes (PIA) in the field of higher education and research has selected 5 projects from the University of Toulouse throughout the second call for proposal.
EUR: Ecoles universitaires de Recherche - Future programmes in the field of higher education and research
The second phase of the Call for proposals for the Graduated Schools has been launched in 2019, with the goal of giving to universities or institution - apart from those who have been labelled IdEx or ISITE - the opportunity to strengthen their specialisation, promote international visibility and coordinate research and training in more scientific areas. Each submitted EUR project will contribute to reinforcing the university’s signature.
24 projects have been labelled of the 81 submitted projects, among them 5 from the University of Toulouse. They will be founded for 10 years with a total budget of 109 Million Euros.
5 EUR for the University of Toulouse
In Toulouse, a collective work has been performed. The University of Toulouse has supported the project leaders, including the projects in the global strategy of each universities. Finally, 8 projects were submitted and 5 of these projects were selected. Toulouse INP is particularly involved in 3 of them.
Biotechnology for a bio-sourced economy |
Cancer, aging and rejuvenation |
Toulouse Mathematics Institute |
Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Science |
School of Integrative Biology and Ecology |
The BIOECO academic cluster develops very complementary and outstanding forefront activities in research and constitutes a high-level trans-disciplinary value-chain at the heart of bioeconomy.
It will be unique in France and provide a consolidated global approach, integrating the entire value chain of biotechnological transformation of renewable carbon with economic, environmental and societal concerns. The ability to model and therefore monitor this multifactorial strategy is essential to achieve a smooth transition to a consumer and society-approved bio-sourced system, as well as the need to accelerate the transfer of knowledge to the industrial world.
Toulouse INP will be involved in this graduate school with its ENSIACET and ENSEEIHT engineer schools and the Masters of Sciences MOST « Fluid Engineering for Industrial Processes » and « Water Engineering and Water Management », the doctoral schools MEGeP, SEVAB, BSB and its research laboratories LGC and LCA.
The aim of the Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Science (TESS) is to train the next generation of scientists who will be at the forefront of global change. This consortium brings together four higher education institutions, five research organizations and one private company with a long tradition of cooperation. For the forthcoming decade, research will focus on:
- Exploring our position in the universe
- Monitoring and understanding of the Earth
- Predicting future behaviours
- The challenges posed by natural resources
These actions will be complemented by two cross-cutting themes: "Urban Environment, Health and Society" and "Databases, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence". These activities will rely on strong expertise in multi-scale observation of natural systems (particularly with space platforms), from the design and construction of instruments to the scientific exploitation of data.
Toulouse INP will be present in training and research in TESS. In fact, this Graduate School is partly based on the Master's degree "Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, Ecosystem and Anthropisation Paths" (EcoAnt), co-accredited with Toulouse INP-ENSAT and the SOAC Master, co-accredited with Toulouse INP-ENM and INP-ENSEEIHT. This graduate School has the perimeter of the SDU2E doctoral school and part of the research activities will be performed in EcoLab and IMFT laboratories.
The TULIP LabEx boosted the emergence of many cutting-edge research projects at the interface between Ecology, Evolution and Functional Biology.
It aims to train students in methods and concepts needed to study these interactions from the molecular, to the cell, organism, populations and ecosystems, within 7 laboratories of the TULIP Labex (EDB, GBF, LIPM, LRSV, SETE) and Perpignan (LGDP, IHPE)
Toulouse INP will be involved in this project through the formation of the Master "Plant Biology, plant ecology and environment" (EVE) course, co-accredited with Toulouse INP-ENSAT, through the SEVAB doctoral school and through research carried out within GBF laboratory.