Deeper Pulse, a new Toulouse start up

Deeper Pulse, a new Toulouse start up, tackle the promising market of innovative motors, adapted to new electrical needs and energy transition.
The company impact the world by designing tomorrow’s most sustainable generation of motors for a large range of industries, reducing power consumption by up to 60% and environmental impact by 30%.
Frédéric Messine, research professor at Toulouse INP in the Laboratoire plasma et conversion d’énergie (LAPLACE, CNRS, Toulouse INP, Toulouse III University – Paul Sabatier), and his team, have been researching for more than 10 years on a physical calculation platform that radically transforms engine design.
Combining research work, creation of the company and definition of the business model, Deeper Pulse "impact the world by designing tomorrow’s most sustainable generation of motors for a large range of industries, reducing power consumption by up to 60% and environmental impact by 30%."
Today, thanks to computers and digital algorithms, we can investigate different method.
In november 2021, the company has issued its own prototype reducing the energy consumption of motors by 15 to 30% and to reduce its consumption of materials by 30% (magnets, iron, coils, etc.) while increasing their compactness by 100%.
Wishing them to open even more « spaces of innovation, never explored before. »