The RUBI Experience is travelling to the International Space Station
The July 21, 2019

RUBI Experience (Reference mUltiscale experiment for Boiling Investigation) will be launched on the International Space Station on July 21, 2019 and operated in the Fluid Science Laboratory for a duration of 5 months. It is the next step for this project supported by European Space Agency in which a team from Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (CNRS / Toulouse INP / UT3) has been working in collaboration with a dozen other European teams, since 2005.
RUBI Experience
RUBI Reference experiment for mUltiscale Boiling Investigation concept has been defined jointly by Darmstadt University, University of Pise, Aix - Marseille University, Université Libre de Bruxelles, EPFL Lausanne, IMFT and other international partners.
The objective of this experiment is to study the growth and the detachment of an isolated bubble and the heat and mass transfers at the bubble foot for various wall superheating, liquid subcoolings and potentially in an electric field or in a shear flow.
"Étude de la dynamique de bulles formées en paroi par injection ou ébullition : effet de la gravité et des forces hydrodynamiques", Thèse de Michel Thomas LEBON, 2016
IMFT involvement
IMFT is particularly involved in studying the growth and detachment of a bubble in a shear flow. Several laboratory preparatory and microgravity experiments during parabolic flights have been conducted over the last 10 years. These bubble-scale experiments are intended to improve the modelling of boiling heat transfer in complex two-phase systems as for example in the thermal control of electronic components in satellites or in space propulsion.
Read more:
"RUBI -a Reference mUltiscale Boiling Investigation for the Fluid Science Laboratory"
Catherine Colin: catherine.colin @