2021 Shanghai Ranking: Toulouse INP ranked in several categories!
The June 18, 2021

The Shanghai Ranking provides a global census of the best universities in the field of research. 1,800 of the best higher education institutions out of 4,000 in 92 countries are ranked according to several criteria: scientific production, publications cited in their respective fields and number of prizes and awards.
Toulouse INP in the 2021 Shanghai Ranking:
- Earth Sciences: 301-400
- Ecology: 201-300
- Mechanical: 101-150
- Process Sciences: 301-400
- Materials Science: 401-500
- Energies: 201-300
- Environmental Science and Engineering: 301-400
- Water Engineering: 151-200
- Agro-Food, Food: 201-300
- Metallurgical Engineering: 151-200
- Life Sciences: 301-400
- Veterinarian: 76-100
The presence of Toulouse INP in many fields of this ranking testifies of the international recognition of its scientific production!
* From 1 to 50, this ranking publishes the rank occupied by the establishment concerned. Beyond 50th place, this ranking gives brackets ranging from 51 to 75, 76 to 100, or 101 to 150, etc.