Science's crossroads forum
From January 9, 2019 to January 10, 2019

On the 9 and 10 of January 2019 a forum took place organised by the University of Toulouse with the help of the Occitanie Region.
Conferences, round tables, field trips, visits, organisation of a series of dedicated workshops with researchers were organised on interdisciplinary scientific topics.
During those 2 days many people gather to make known of scientific topics as well as multiple laboratories to allow them to express their needs in terms of skills and equipment that could favor disciplinary interfaces.
It was the opportunity to present examples of interdisciplinary actions, thematic networks under construction, interdisciplinary research projects and interdisciplinary training. But also to inform about research coordination center and devices that can promote interdisciplinary research.
Roman Teisserenc, head teacher of the Eco-engineering Master, talked about preparing engineers of any specialty for interdisciplinary opening and in the perspective of sustainable develpment.
The Toulouse INP specialised Master in Eco-engineering prepares the engineers of any specialty to the interdisciplinary opening. Its goal is to train executives who can understand technological issues in a systematic and in-depth way, using the tools of modeling and evaluation.
Find all videos and presentations during the forum on this link.