The June 10, 2020

Toulouse INP recently participated in the creation of an online training intended for innovative Eco-Technological companies on the ETV device.
What is the ETV device?
The ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) device offers the only internationally accepted performance guarantee for any environmental technology. Being recognised is a source of visibility, credibility and attractiveness in France and abroad. The "Statement of Verification" delivered at the end of the ETV process can be used as evidence that the claims made about the innovation are both credible and scientifically sound. Find out more
Toulouse INP recently participated in the creation of an online training intended for innovative Eco-Technological companies on the ETV device. Free online training is the result of the European Commission’s desire to promote this system and to promote innovative eco-technologies on the competitive market for new environmental products.
A European grouping made of Research Centres, Higher Education Establishments and an SME * has designed this training, financed within the framework of the ERASMUS + program. It is for the excellence of its Educational Engineering and its involvement for several years in the implementation of the ETV system in Europe that Toulouse INP has integrated this Group.
* Inventya (Ireland), PurFil ApS (Denmark), Cluster Zelena Sinergiya (Bulgaria), Toulouse INP (France), Instytut Technologiczno - Przyrodniczy (Poland) and Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera (Spain)
Designed mainly for SMEs that develop and market environmental technologies, the ETV4INNOVATION training is also suitable for scientific training and environmental engineering. It includes 3 modules for approximately 20 hours of training in total. At the end of the training, learners receive a certificate attesting that they have validated the different modules taken.
Expertise in Educational Engineering
Toulouse INP is recognised for its excellence in Educational Engineering. The establishment is frequently asked to be part of consortia of universities and research laboratories that respond to European calls for tenders. Toulouse INP notably worked on MaBioVa, a European project which helps Moroccan educational establishments to modernise their teaching tools.
In addition, Toulouse INP won a MESRI call for projects for its system called Dynamique Pédagogique, which helps teacher-researchers to modernise their teaching practices.
Toulouse INP promotes economic development
Toulouse INP and the Chemical Engineering Laboratory contribute to the economic development of companies, in collaboration with industrialists in Occitania. With 600 partnership research contracts in progress and 300 new ones per year, Toulouse INP is at the heart of innovation. Toulouse INP's current portfolio includes more than 150 patents; 12 new patents are filed on average each year.