The Training Program for Engineers in Vietnam celebrates its 20th anniversary
The December 19, 2019

The PFIEV program (Programme de Formation d'Ingénieurs d'Excellence au Vietnam) celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. Since its inception in 1999 and thanks to these 11 options for engineers training, the program is continuously developing new specialties. All disciplines have been taught in Vietnamese for over the years being transmitted in French or English.
PFIEV team
PFIEV 20 years anniversary ceremony
What is the PFIEV?
It is a program which aims to train engineers, future Vietnamese executives, with a high scientific qualification corresponding to the needs of local Vietnamese and international companies by mastering two foreign languages, French and English.
It is involved in the modernization of Vietnamese higher education and graduates 200 to 250 engineers each year in 18 different scientific fields.
Initiated by the signing of a protocol in November 1997, it federates Franco-Vietnamese cooperation in the field of engineering training in a consortium of 8 French schools
The PFIEV has four Vietnamese establishments: University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Hanoi National Unversity of Civil Engineering, the University of Danang and Vietnam National University.
And it benefits from the support of 9 French establishments: École Centrale SupElec, École Nationale des Ponts de Paris, École Nationale de la Mécanique et d’Aéronautique Poitiers, Grenoble INP, INSA Lyon, Toulouse INP, Institut Polytechnique de Marseille, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne et le lycée Louis Le Grand..
This program is supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the French Embassy in Vietnam and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. The PFIEV is accredited by the French CTI until 2022 and at European level with recognition of the Master level diploma. The 4 Vietnamese establishments are HCERES accredited.