Sport art culture at INP

Community life at Toulouse INP

With more than 100 associations and student clubs, Toulouse INP’s community life  is dynamic and fulfilling. Cultural, sport, humanitarian and technical projects show students’ strong  involvement.


143 clubs and associations are represented at Toulouse INP in various domains such as sport, art, culture, humanitarianism, entrepreneurship, travel, photography, video, games, software, science transmission, etc.  




Toulouse INP Student association

Toulouse INP’s Student Association brings together all student clubs and associations from Toulouse INP schools, animates the community life, facilitating shared moments.
The cohesion day or the “INP’iades” organised by the Toulouse INP Student Association at the beginning of the academic year are two influential and major events.

The Toulouse INP Student Association’s role is to represent students in their daily lives during their stay at Toulouse INP (Executive board, board of studies and student life, scientific council). The Toulouse INP Student Association also federates school students’ offices.

Toulouse INP Sports association

INP Sports Association / THE LYNKS

From team spirit and fair play, to respect and discipline, sport contributes to all the essential values in training the engineers of tomorrow.
Beyond the sport integrated into the curricula of our schools, Toulouse INP Sports Association is here to offer you a range of activities:

  • rugby, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and much more!
  • competition, leisure or just occasionally during sporting events.


Licence and competition

The Sports association is very important for its athletes participating in competitions organised and managed by the French Federation of University Sports.

Teams take part in the local university championship and in the national championship of Grandes Ecoles.
Students can get involved in the as:

  • Team leader: he drives information on the dates of the matches, manages sport trips and equipment;
  • Student coach: he takes charge of training and coach some teams.




Student Pass’Vie

From salsa fans to those who love strong sensations, all associations styles are welcome at Toulouse INP.
Inspiration from outside courses, students’ creative minds and dynamism are drawn in a few projects.
The Student Pass’Vie allows you to subscribe to all activities proposed by Toulouse INP.

A Student Pass'Vie? Why is it useful?
  • To subscribe and participate in all clubs and student events organised in the campus all year long
  • To participate in all student activities 
  • To benefit from an insurance from the establishment for activities organised by student associations and the Toulouse INP Sport Association (SA) 
  • To get access to sport buildings, use facilities and equipment of Toulouse INP, which are available for student clubs and the Toulouse INP Sport Association.


6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038
31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

+33 (0)5 34 32 30 00


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